I often feel that students have many issues in understanding poetry and themes within them. I attempted to use the site wordle to help shed a bright new light on the important words and themes within The Road not taken by Robert Frost.
Wordle of The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost
What is a wordle?
Wordle is a website that take the words you have entered and creates a word cluster that makes each one larger based on how often the word is repeated. The hope is that the more important a words will be larger and the least important will be the smallest.
Wordle and the classroom
In trying to use wordle, I found the experience to be extremely easy to understand. You just type in the words you would like to use and repeat the important ones more often. You can also copy and paste in any work and wordle will delete all the common English words. Examples of the common English words are; and, the, these, ect. I feel that given the easy at which I learned to use this tool, children will learn this tool with the same easy, if not more. I feel that this can help student instruction for both post and pre-reading strategies. Wordle helps to teach students to prioritize concepts and ideas based on importance to the reading. I feel I would use Wordle as pre-reading for younger students to help tell me what words they feel are most important to the story. For post reading, I would use Wordle to have student list word and themes within a story and have them choose what is important and explain to the class why they choose those words. I feel that Wordle is useful both inside and outside of the classroom.
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